
how to lose 25 kg in 3 months

无纺布面粉袋2022-02-11 21:24:20265

firstly you need to live in 乡下,

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or a city looking place with a strong 乡下 vibe,

such as 杭州, or 北京

obviously i m joking cuz beijing is no 乡下,beijing is its own thing.

try commute in beijing with a bike from 海淀 to 朝阳

you wont lose any weight,

you die.

i dont want you to die, why would I ?

dear strangers, i want you to live forever.

i wouldnt, but you will.

that i can assure you.

so why 乡下?

because in 乡下 you have immediate access to 乡下-like geographical features.

the hills, the mountains, the hill-ish mountains, the mountain-ish hills.

they are everywhere, in-your-face type of everywhere.

thats why you cant lose much weight in shanghai.

shanghai is flat, flat as fuck type of flat.

you cant even run around freely in shanghai to burn calories.

cuz there are buildings, structures of all sorts erected by the humans.

youd probably crash into stuff, causing mayhem.

you want to lose weight, not cause mayhem.

but we have gyms! says this one random shanghai person who rudely interrupts the conversation that I now patiently having with you.

thats what happens when you spam too many buildings in your city.

people tend to lose their shit for no obvious reason if they get squeezed too hard.

in 乡下,there r gyms too, but you get to ignore them.

in 乡下,you get to ignore a lot of things.

wed just be chilling in streets, 东晃西晃,hopping 丝绸店茶叶店土特产店 or whatever店,sucking like cokehead on that one cheap ice-cream cone we get from 蜜雪冰城。

then the clouds nudge a bit, thats when one random hill pops up in the distance, vibing on us.

the green is so thick as if its dripping liquid like a 3 yuan ice cream melting in our hands.

I turned to 乔枫,hey you wanna go for it?

its hard to resist the temptation isnt it, says 乔枫 who oftentimes finds himself in situations where the temptation is just too much to resist.

乔 is now finishing up the ice cream by chewing hard on the 蛋卷 crust.

I was like dude pace yourself, the hills arent going anywhere.

that was roughly 5 pm, when the streets in 乡下 are getting weirdly quiet.

the sun dips a bit, the shade shifts and turns, and the heat has finally subsided.

then we started to walk.



